Wood Buffalo Design

Wood Buffalo Design - Edmonton SEO
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Business Description

Wood Buffalo Design was originally designed to be an in-house marketing arm for a group of companies, but after seeing how successful it was for the group it was decided that it would become a stand-alone company offering a select set of services to clients.

Services that Wood Buffalo Design Performs:

Proximity Marketing - This service is exploding with excitement, imagine being able to reach thousands of potential new clients every day, this service combines branding and call to action sales on one platform that is very affordable when compared to more traditional advertising such as radio, television, or print.

Social Media Management - Some of our clients are just to busy to keep up with the demands of daily social media submissions, so we take on that role for them.

Video SEO - The power of youtube and facebook with video advertising is huge, Wood Buffalo Design can take your existing video or create a new video and get it high in the search engine ranking for you.

Social Media Advertising - We use our knowledge of social media and target the people that you want to attract, not just the masses. Why pay for advertising that will never result in a sale? We are usually able to save our clients 50% or more on ad spend than on their current results.

Local SEO - Want to reach more local customers? We will submit your company to the proper listings that bring local SEO results and get your company listed in Google's places section.

Website Address
Phone Number
Postal Code/Zip Code
T5M 3P9
Business Address
16688 113 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB
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